100 Gratitudes

“Dwell on that which makes you happy, and you’ll be happier. You are what you think.” What are you grateful for? Here’s a list of one hundred things that I’m grateful for today; there are thousands of things. Hugs Unexpected generosity...

The Stories of Humanity and the Power of Connection: #WDS 2012 Recap (Day 1)

What does it mean to be human? Humanity is what you say to someone when you think no one’s watching. It’s what you do when you’re all by yourself. Humanity is what you feel when you watch another person suffering, and decide to either do nothing, or do something. Humanity is the ability to reach out and hug someone. Humanity is being grateful for your family, your friends, and your ability to do something in this world. Humanity is the ability to trust, the ability to connect, the ability to touch. To be human means we can move, create, love, share, and laugh. Humanity—the essential element or essence of being human is more than what you do. It’s who you are, and who you are able to be together. It is the ability for one thousand people to sing–as a group–the entirety of “Don’t Stop Believing,” and fill a theater with our voices.

World Domination in Tweets

World domination, in 140 characters or less. A twitter-capture of the thought streams of the participants at WDS 2012.

How To Live.

Staring out of the window, taking pause between propelling multiple events and cataloguing the life of a company, I stopped to muse and wonder, what would be on my list? And before I knew it, before I could actually think about it, I leaned into it, started scrawling across my notebooks, tears down my cheeks for my grandmother and for everyone who, inevitably, must die; and I thought, this is what I want. This is how I want to live.