In Search of Mental Focus and Clarity

Those of you that have followed my posts recently know I’m experimenting with my relationships to social media, email, and the internet. I love tech AND I also want to stay smart about my habits, impulsivity, and addictions. Because make no mistake: tech is an addiction, for sure. How do we achieve mental focus in the increasing onslaught of information? Get this: the average person checks email 74 times per day and spends 28% of their time on email. If we’re not questioning this, we should be concerned.

Loving Yourself

A friend of mine is having a bit of a rough time right now and I sent her a note to check in. How’s it going, how are you feeling? One of the ways we exist for each other is to confirm and mirror experience. When we notice a friend or a colleague struggling, we...

50 Things That Make Me Happy

In the free series of writing prompts I put together, one of the prompts is to make a list of 50 things that make you happy. I love lists (they’re one of the things that makes me happy!), and I love using lists as a way to kick-start my writing. It’s not...

Should You Worry Now Or Later?

There are so many unknowns coming ahead on the horizon: Will we have a baby that sleeps or a baby that cries non stop? Will I love being a mom or will it be an immense challenge? Will I bond with my kid right away or will it take time? Will breastfeeding be hard or...