Sort your stress into three piles

Sort your stress into three piles

What really causes me to freeze Sometimes I get really productive during stress. REALLY productive. It’s my coping mechanism and I run around like an energizer bunny, getting it all done. I think my inner monologue truly believes that if somehow I accomplish...
How To Make Better Decisions: 4 Helpful Strategies When You’re Stuck

How To Make Better Decisions: 4 Helpful Strategies When You’re Stuck

Decision paralysis is real. Sometimes when I have a huge decision looming ahead of me, it’s hard to figure out what to do. Just the other day, I met with my operations planning team, and we reviewed the pile of work that I had on my plate ahead of me. My lead operations person looked at me and said “Sarah, you have to make some tough decisions here. You no longer have enough bandwidth to complete all of this.” We had to get real about the time we had, and the projects we could do. The hardest part? Decision making. I’ve written before about why making decisions is so hard. Today I want to share four strategies you can lean on when you feel stuck and don’t know your next move.

Never Choose Seven

A simple trick that helped me make better decisions. Truly—this mindset shift has stuck with me every since I learned about it many weeks ago.