Something worth talking about

“Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.”  – Helen Keller There aren’t very many people in this world who do things worth talking about. Watching the telly on a Sunday night? Not so interesting. Gossiping, checking email, doing the same old thing?...

The big design problem? Designing your life.

I’m deep in the throes of reading two books by one of my favorite authors. Before I tell you who it is, I want to include an excerpt from one of the books: “I’m a welter of insecurities. I’m insecure about not understanding what the next person...

What’s the Urgency? [Post-It]

What’s the urgency in what you are doing? Who’s putting pressure on you to get everything done right now? What can wait? Too often, we chase dreams and deadlines and ideas in a rush-rush-rush world, bombarded by things with seeming urgency. Some things can...


Definition: Shrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulness. The most ‘successful’ and talented people around me are not born talented. They aren’t born with a success gene that other people don’t have. They take initiative. They try things....