Who You Really Are [Post-It]

This one was inspired by Tyler of Advanced Riskology. Who are you? Who are you when no one is watching? Inspired by #Trust30’s Post-It prompt by Jenny Blake, I’ve put together a series of a dozen or so challenges and questions that I ask myself and post up...

Leap Boldly. [Post-It]

Inspired by #Trust30’s Post-It prompt by Jenny Blake, I’ve put together a series of a dozen (or so) challenges and questions that I ask myself and post up in my office and my home workspace. This was inspired by Jonathan Fields and the still-buzzing #WDS...

Does the end matter?

I’m scribbling notes in a lecture, listening to a senior executive talk about his career, and this sentiment captured me. It’s not about where you end up. Does it even matter? Focus instead on the strategies, on the process, on the doing. The end is just...