A virtual community with coaching hot-seat sessions. We meet twice per month for connection, encouragement, and lightning clarity to help you get unstuck and stay FOCUSED on that big thing you really want.
“I love how people in this group show up so wholeheartedly. Everyone gives with vulnerability and generosity. This space is well-loved.”
“Since joining your group, I started a website, wrote six articles, created a journal prompts email program, sent out my first monthly newsletter, and grew my first email list to 140 contacts.”
“FOCUS is a place to stand up, be seen, call yourself out on what responsibility you can take for where you are, and give yourself a compassionate hug for not being ‘where you thought you’d be by now.’ I’ve already exceeded what I thought I could create, decide, and birth in my business over just the last six weeks… and I have FOCUS to thank for that.
Enrollment is open by application only.
Enrollment is currently full, but we accept people on a rolling basis as space opens up. Definitely submit an application to join—we reach out first to those who have already submitted applications.

FOCUS is a dedicated group of people who want to get the big work done—you just need consistent accountability and people to talk to so you’re not stuck in your own head.
Here’s my magic recipe: kindness for the hard days, clarity when you’re feeling stuck, loving nudges when you’re avoiding the work, and quick notes to inspire you to get back into it.
This isn’t quite a mastermind (but it’s close).
It’s a group of people coming together twice a month to check in. It’s a little bit social and a little bit practical.
No social media required.
This isn’t a Facebook group (NO THANK YOU), and it’s not a messy Slack channel that starts with a boom and then creates a million notifications you can’t keep up with.
This is a twice monthly meet-up for people who want to get stuff done, and want to share progress, successes, and even the mid-stream flops with others.
If you want a group of makers, do-ers, and risk-takers (like you) to be honest, open, and kind as you dig into the vulnerable, messy, and big dreams that your life is calling you to, then you’re in the right place.
Let’s do this together.
Come take a look at what I’ve built for you.
When you join us in FOCUS, we meet twice a month — once to gather and connect, and then again mid-month to knock back obstacles and get you unstuck.
First Wednesday of every month
11am Pacific / 2pm Eastern
Every month, we gather together for a brief meditation, goal-setting exercises, and ample time to connect with fellow members. We break out in small groups to talk about the big project you are working on and what you hope to do this month. I provide social prompts, conversation starters, and questions to get the conversations flowing.
Third Wednesday of every month
11am Pacific / 2pm Eastern
A dedicated 90-minute session for 3 to 5 focused hot seats to help you get unstuck. You’ll submit your progress, describe what seems to be holding you back, and do a live group coaching session. Everyone can join, learn, and discuss. As we grow the group, we’ll add more hot seat times, too.
If goal setting worked on its own, we’d all be millionaires, authors, and world-travelers by now.
Goal setting is important and necessary, but most people don’t take the right next steps needed to turn those dreams into reality.
You need to get clear on what you want, break it down into actionable, measurable steps, and make it realistic within the time frame you have.
Big, sweeping ideas seem sexy. New Year’s Resolutions are incredibly popular, and yet the majority of them don’t work.
Let’s get clear on what actually works.
As part of this program, I’ll show you my process for getting things done, and how to create frameworks that actually work — setting shorter, simpler goals and tracking progress month over month.
And the most important part?
Accountability. Other people. A little skin in the game. People to turn to when you get stuck or you have a really gnarly month. Confessing your real truth to the group. Shaking out the sticky stuff when you feel overwhelmed by it all.
You need to be around people who are also working steadily on their own goals.
We don’t live in a perfect world
CLEARLY, if 2020 has anything to tell us. The world changes really fast.
I’m less interested in what you’d do if everything went right—I’m more interested in how you stick to it, persevere, and adapt when things get spicy. Because life is never going to go as planned.
Going solo on your dreams is overrated.
The myth of the lone creative, hunkering down by him or herself, is overrated.
Yes, you need to do the work. You alone need to write your words, overcome resistance, and fight the good fight in making progress on your dreams.
You also need other people to talk to about how the resistance is hard, and how the days get away from you, and how you persevered even when it was a shitty day. How you wrote 500 words that were crappy and gut-wrenching and terrible, but then the next day, you had a magical writing session.
It’s other people that help us through the chaos.
If you want a place to connect with other people, that’s why I’m building this up for you. I’m creating the overall structure—the philosophy, container, and encouraging notes about what it means to make work and be human.
- Meet every month with the same group of people & have a place — outside of work and your family — to talk about the thing you really want to spend your time doing.
- Watch other people go through similar patterns and feel seen and heard because you’re all showing up to do the work, together.
- Feel the kindness of helping other people and bringing that whole-hearted generosity back to yourself and your own project—and use it to keep going.
- Be more confident putting your ideas and work out there—to be really seen, and to start the growth you’ve always wanted.
- Finally build your audience, write your thing, start your blog, share your story, dig into the deep work you crave doing.
- Have an industry veteran help you get unstuck, guide you with your work, and give crucial feedback and support each month.
“My biggest “aha” moment was realizing that I have the potential to be the person I want to be—even in this very new territory—if I just give myself the faith and time to arrive there.”
This isn’t a mastermind.
It’s close, but it’s not quite that intense. Many mastermind programs have dedicated 1:1 time with your coach, multiple sessions throughout the year, high-end coaching… and a hefty five-figure price tag.
It’s not 1:1 private coaching.
This is for people who aren’t ready for a 1:1 coach yet, or want a program in addition to their regular coach. You want some type of accountability. Social support, group coaching, and people who pay attention if you try to skip out and hide would be wildly helpful to help you to stay the course, and see your goals through.
This is not another Facebook Group.
You don’t need another overwhelming Facebook or Slack group right now! You need a small, dedicated group of creatives, makers, and business owners like you. People who you can get to know, so you can watch each other in action, and offer support to each other throughout the year.

“When people join, they tell me they’re so thankful for how brave everyone is. How thankful they are that people are kind. How hard it is to make work and keep going when things don’t always go right. This space is a structured, guided community for open, honest conversations about what works, how to keep going, and a place to celebrate when you reach your big and small wins.”
Here are the nuts and bolts of what you get when you sign up for the year with us

Let me teach you the method to goal setting that isn’t taught—and that works better. In this short, quick course I’ll give you a refresher on goals, goal-setting, habit change, and the essential mindset shifts that I think are key for you to dig into your big dreams for the long haul. These will be in your private online portal for you to read, plus I’ll send you bonus tips and notes via email throughout the year (about once per month).
10 videos, recorded so you can watch them again and again, anytime.

Every month we’ll host a gathering, where I’ll walk us through a brief meditation, a goal-setting session, and then you’ll have time to connect and reflect with fellow members in small groups. Talk about the big project you are working on and break down what it is you hope to do this month.
Every month, on the first Wednesday at 11am Pacific / 2pm Eastern.

Each month, we’ll have hot seat sessions to help work through a handful of sticky challenges. Three to five people will be selected each month to sit in the hot seat and work through their specific challenges. Before the call, you’ll submit your progress, how you’re doing, and anything that seems to be holding you back. These live coaching sessions are open for everyone to join—folks tell me that they often learn as much (or more!) from watching other people get coached as their own session!
Everyone will have at least two dedicated hot seats every six months period. We will add more hot seat times as needed.
Every month, on the third Wednesday at 11am Pacific / 2pm Eastern.

I curate a wicked smart group of people who are kind, creative, driven, curious, and thoughtful. You’re joining a dedicated group of people committed to making progress on a big goal this year. These are people (like you!) who are committed to taking action, to breaking through blockers holding you back, and open to the experimentation that is required to try, test, tweak, and continue.
You’ll see everyone’s progress and real-life challenges and grow in kindness at how hard and peculiar the learning journey sometimes is. Then, we’ll cheer each other on to keep going.

You’ll learn my favorite tools for when you have ‘falter months’ or what I like to call REAL LIFE moments—because that thing that happens in month three happens to everyone. Life. Happens. Rather than fight it, we can breathe into it, be kind to ourselves, and find a way to keep going. I’ll show you how to design for kindness, forgiveness, and steady consistency — not some mythical idea of perfection. It’s more important to get back up and keep going even after a week (or six weeks!) away, but we think we’re “SO BAD” that we don’t give ourselves the grace to keep going. Fight the resistance by being in a group that will forgive you when you fail and welcome you back in at any point throughout the year.
Progress over perfection. You’re human.
Most people overestimate what they can do in a day or a week, but underestimate what can be done in a year.
Enrollment is open by application only.
Enrollment is currently full, but we accept people on a rolling basis as space opens up. Definitely submit an application to join—we reach out first to those who have already submitted applications.
Notes, feedback, and reviews from past students of my mastermind programs and courses
“After your emails and calls, I see a positive impacts on my mindset, outlook, and behavior. It’s fantastic. Even the smallest, simplest exercises you give seem to have these extensive ripple effects throughout my life. Thank you, seriously.”
“What I have always found unique about Sarah is her ability to go deep with people so quickly. She has an incredible intuition for people and she quickly cuts through the noise. When I leave my time with Sarah, I am operating at a higher frequency. I often feel like I can conquer the world as I am both supported and challenged at the same time.”
Suzannah Scully, Executive Coach, Podcast Host of “The Cosmos In You”
“You’re responsible for starting a chain of events that is leading me to something – I don’t know what, but what I do know is that I’m reading and writing voraciously, and developing a keen interest in psychology, writing, healing, storytelling, documenting and everything in between.”
Katie Probert, Artist, Traveler, Writer
“Sarah combines her experience in athletics, writing, and design to teach in a relatable way that inspires growth. She will help you grow in both how you think and what you create. Two words: do it.”
Matt Hunckler, CEO, Powderkeg
“I’ve done some of the best writing of my life due to your lessons and prompts. I wrote my story yesterday and read it back to my wife, which brought her to tears. Even more, seeing your strategy behind content creation, and learning your concrete tips for creating projects made everything so much more tangible.”
Jeff Riddle, Executive Coach for High Performers
Our chat really helped me with starting this project that means so much to me. As a technological newbie without business experience and writing in a second language, I was postponing the launch of the website until everything was ‘just right’. Until I read your motto ‘Done is better than perfect.’
Jennifer Mulder, The Health Sessions
“I learned concrete tools and ideas from you and my peers in the group and felt truly held and heard in all of our interactions. Thank you for creating this space for our group to gather.”
Gretchen, Senior Planner, San Francisco
“Sarah’s ability to connect people is like magic. You’re sure to build relationships that have the potential to last longer than the months you spend together.”
Shannon Callarman, Content Director at Red Caffeine Marketing & Technology
“If you can come to the group with even a vague description of what you’re struggling with or where you want to get to, the group will help you get to the root of your goals and break down that problem into tangible pieces. Once made conscious, you can then work systematically to tackle these various pieces and make serious progress towards achieving your goals.”
Patrick, Robotics and Engineering Consultant
A tiny bit of my backstory, if you’re curious.
I’m Sarah K Peck (some of my friends call me SKP), and I’ve been on the internet for over a decade. If you’re here, you might know me already, but if we haven’t formally met yet, I’m the organizer, writer, and brain behind this website.
I’m a HUGE fan of personal development and I have a good eye for what works—and what doesn’t. Most people don’t need more tough love, or shame, or peer pressure (at least not the negative kind). We already know what we wish we were doing, and it’s frustrating when we feel like we keep hitting roadblock after roadblock.
My whole philosophy is predicated on kindness and spaciousness. You know what you want to do and your inner creative needs love and gentleness—and consistent nudges—to get there. That’s my specialty—I work on helping you unpack the sticky emotional blocks and reframing what might be seen as a flaw and looking at it through new eyes.
I’ve worked in marketing, writing, and business and I’ve been an industry insider long enough that I can tell you what looks promising and what is just smoke and mirrors. Also, I’m fairly acquainted with ‘woo,’ strategies, but I’m also clear about how science works, and how privilege can make the world different for all of us, so I’m not going to tell you to just “believe” and “make it happen.” I’ll look at the pieces you’ve got, the dreams you want, and we’ll make our best plan for how YOU can make a dent in the work the way you want to.
Let me help you shift your world a little bit. How you see it, what you get from it, and where you think you can go. Accountability, community, and support can take our dreams out of our head and into the messy-but-wonderfully-real world, where they deserve to live.

I help ambitious, driven, smart, kind, talented people do their best work by creating a supportive community to help you stay on track, get unstuck when you need it, and be around other people doing the work.
“My biggest “A-ha” moment was that we need others. None of us can do it alone. It made me realize how much of a bubble I’m living in. I knew this was what I needed, but I had no idea how fulfilling it would be.”
“In the first month alone, I unlocked so much and created the foundation for my group program. It kind of blew my mind how much we did in 20 minutes.”
If you’re here right now reading this, I want you to make me a teeny tiny promise.
Something small and easy. I want you to make a promise that you will work on that thing you want to do for TWO MINUTES.
That’s it. Just two minutes.
The thing about most goals is that we make them so darn big and then we hide from them.
If you join our group, what I’ll ask you to do is make a commitment just to show up. You’re going to commit to showing up twice per month with us, as we gather. That’s it.
If you can commit to showing up to the group exactly as you are, mess and all, I can help you get a little less stuck and make a little bit of forward progress.
Here’s the truth that I know: all of these big projects unfold in weird ways, and they’re often a lot messier than we expect. When we dig into our soul work, our big work, we also run smack into the inner beliefs and blocks (or external beliefs and blocks!) that are holding us back.
Then, time and time again, I see people ‘should’ on themselves, guilt themselves, feel embarrassed. People tell me they’re scared, sad, or overwhelmed—and that they feel like they should be WAY FURTHER ahead than they are. These feelings are the real blockers, and more willpower or discipline doesn’t necessarily help. (If self-loathing worked, we’d already be successful—maybe it’s time to try a new strategy.)
In this group, I’ll teach you a little bit each month about better frameworks for goal setting, getting things done, and why being compassionate and kind to yourself is a secret way towards making progress.
Sometimes being kind to ourselves is really hard to do.
But you know what? There’s good news. I’ve got you. I’ve got your back, and I’ll make space for all of it.
Come join us.
Semi-Annual Enrollment:
6 months — $1950
$325/month in six payments
- Monthly gathering calls
- Monthly hot seat sessions
- Accountability and support
- Private portal with articles, audios, resources, and check-ins.
- Peer support, social connection, and understanding from people doing the work.
Great for small projects, a kick-start, or plans with tight timelines. Join us to kickstart your project, confess your struggles, and celebrate your wins. If you need six months of clarity, or you want to knock out a big project in the next six months and get into quick action, sign up here.
Payment plans are a full-priced commitment, and you understand that you are responsible for making all payments.
Annual Enrollment:
12 months — $3400
$283/month in twelve payments
Save $500
- Monthly gathering calls
- Monthly hot seat sessions
- Accountability and support
- Private portal with articles, audios, resources, and check-ins.
- Peer support, social connection, and understanding from people doing the work.
Great for making the most of the year ahead, for deeper work and longer connections, and for the follow-through when you find yourself in a tough spot (as we all do). Join us to go the distance.
People who sign up and pay in full for the 12-month program will get a bonus small-group coaching call with me to kick off the time ahead, talk about your project, and detail your plans for the year ahead.
Payment plans are a full-priced commitment, and you understand that you are responsible for making all payments.
Curious about how it works? Wondering if you’re a good fit for this program? Here are common questions about what to expect.
Then that’s your project! There are so many people that hold themselves back from making work in the world because they think they need to have an answer or know the full path before they begin.
Also, this is actually procrastination and perfectionism at work. Needing a plan or a project before you start the path of experimentation can keep people stuck for years.
What you need to begin is a hint of bravery, a dash of courage, and a fork-ton of support. (This is a recipe I’ve perfected over the years. It’s delicious, and so is my chocolate chip banana bread with baked apple slices. But I digress.)
The first three months, maybe even the first six months, are going to be about WANDERING. Your only objective is to try things out and see what it brings you. You can make a ton of headway in twelve weeks if you decide to do twelve experiments.

Don’t let “not knowing what you want” prevent you from taking the first step. Because your job is to experiment, play, and try lots of new things to discover the next clue in your life path.

Mid-month, I’ll send you an email asking you to submit a challenge for the hot seats. Your job is to winnow in on where you think you’re the most stuck. What’s not working? What have you tried? Why do you think you’re stuck or stalling?
Sometimes people submit specific questions for tactical advice — they need strategic direction, some wordplay, some narrative insight. Other times we go deep with behavioral puzzles, like “WHY can’t I seem to do the thing I keep saying I want to do?” Your job is to tell me everything you’ve tried and then show up openly and honestly and we’ll explore, together.
Usually it turns out that multiple people submit similar questions and challenges. I read every submission and pick three that cover the widest breadth of challenges the group of us are facing in any given month. Nearly everyone says the hot seats help them figure something out with their own puzzles and challenges, even if they aren’t in the hot seat themselves.
Then, at the end, there’s more time for Q/A if you want to ask follow-up questions or get specific on your own business puzzles.
Seeing someone work through a challenge unlocks our own inner wisdom and clarity, and the same is true in reverse.
OOOOOH, Yes, I understand this and feel this so hard. There are so many programs out there—self guided, go-at-your-own pace programs. I’ve finished around 30% of the courses I’ve purchased (my eyes are bigger than my stomach, so they say).
But this is not a course. This is dedicated space for you and this group to show up and be where you are. To grow from your base, not through a PDF. Self guided stuff is FINE when you need to learn something in a pinch, and when you need skills—I use courses all the time. And I’ve made tons of courses! But having a true community and people who are with you? That’s the magic.
Here’s my truth: I consistently have the most success when I have a community, a calendar commitment I need to make, and a real-life coach who is waiting for me to show up.
You’re going to get specific support BUT—and this is the magic of group coaching that I think is so underrated—you’re going to see behind-the-scenes of what it’s like for other people who are building businesses, making their mark, writing their books, and doing the things. You’ll see how HUMAN everyone is, and how they, too, get stuck, flail, start again, and succeed.
Doing the work immersed in a group month over month will make you feel seen and supported in a way that 1:1 coaching can’t even touch. It’s important to be in a community along side other people.

Alright, this is a really good question. Much of the world is under economic stress, psychological stress, and financial stress. This is a hard time for many. I can’t perfectly predict whether something like this will be the right kind of support. What I can tell you are my guidelines:
Financially stressed? Skip it for now. If you have credit card debt or you’re underwater financially, don’t buy another program. Not mine, not anyone else’s. Focus first on getting your finances in order.
Psychologically or mentally stressed? If you’re in a dark place mentally or psychologically, spend this money on therapy and counseling support. I’m a huge fan of therapy, and it’s the first step. Clear mind and emotional support go a long way. Do that first. [Finances, mental health, physical health, programs —> that’s generally my order of spending.]
Use marketing pressure to serve you, but don’t buy from a place of fear or panic. Ignore the marketing pressure to buy things on deadlines. More good opportunities will come in good time. You do NOT have to buy anything right now that you don’t need.
I want your purchases to feel amazing and good—and to serve you. You’ll know that you’re making a good decision because this will feel like the right fit, at the right time. Here’s the best way to know whether or not this will be a good call for you: Do you feel excited? Ready to start? Nervous in a good way because you want to focus on your work or your project? Those are all signs that it’s the right fit.
The first thing I’ll tell you is that you’re human.
Part of the work of translating dreams to reality is actually trying them out in reality. Fantasy is in our minds, and sometimes when we start down a path we get a TON of information and we realize we’re hiking up the wrong mountain.
That in itself is not a bad thing. We need DATA and feedback from the real world to learn who we are. This group is as much about trying things out as it is about setting big goals and going after them.
Come join us: try new things, experiment to find out what works, and allow yourself to laugh and connect while engaging in the human journey.

Great question! This is a mid-sized group of amazing people that you’ll get to connect with and get to know over the coming year. We open enrollment every few months and run between thirty to fifty people.
I have run groups of all sizes—from an intimate retreat with just 8-10 people, to medium-sized masterminds and workshops of several dozen people, to larger communities with hundreds of people in them. Across all of the groups, in order to create a cohesive space and a container for growth, we start by defining clear expectations, strong boundaries, group guidelines and norms, and processes to create a space where you feel safe, seen, supported and heard.
This will be a mid-sized group that fluctuates in size, because we welcome new cohorts several times throughout the year. Think of this like a small, intimate conference of awesome people that you get to meet and learn from across a year or more. Many people stay for multiple years because they love all of the new people they get to meet.
You probably won’t meet every single person, but you will get to know a few people better and sink your teeth into some professional challenges that help all of you grow.
Right now I add about 10 people per cohort so you can start with a class together. As we grow, I’ll be adding dedicated hot seats and coaching sessions to make sure everyone gets the support they need. You will have at least two dedicated hot seat sessions every six months just for you, if not more. When you join, it’s my goal that our strong container creates a space for you to get the connection, visibility, and support that you need!